Monday, February 11, 2013

Obama Caught Faking Oil Lease

Obama Administration Touts 38 Million Acre Lease Sale, But It?s D?j? Vu All Over Again


This week the Department of the Interior grandly announced plans for its March oil and gas lease sale in the Central Gulf of Mexico, off Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The announcement might have been more fitting for Groundhog Day.



To follow through with President Obama?s all-of-the-above energy strategy to expand domestic energy production, the U.S. Department of the Interior announced that the upcoming Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 227 will offer 38.6 million acres offshore Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama for oil and gas exploration and development. ?


?The Obama Administration is fully committed to developing our domestic energy resources to create jobs, foster economic opportunities, and reduce America?s dependence on foreign oil,? said Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar in a released statement. ?Exploration and development of the Gulf of Mexico?s vital energy resources will continue to help power our nation and drive our economy.?


Why is this not news?


Lease sales just like this one have occurred nearly every single year since the current area-wide leasing scheme was put in place by President Reagan?s Interior Secretary, James Watt, in 1982. (I say ?nearly? because the Obama Administration cancelled regularly-scheduled offshore lease sales in a regulatory overreaction to the BP oil spill in 2010.)


That means that virtually every single acre of the 38.6 million offered has been available before. Some of them have been available every year for 30 years and have never received a bid.


Other blocks have been leased before, but never drilled. The leases expired after their ?primary term? of five to ten years.


Some others have been leased, only to have dry holes drilled on them.


Still others may have been successfully drilled and produced to depletion...


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