Thursday, November 8, 2012

Brain Cancer Statistics Canada ? headline news

Kidney cancer is twice as common in men and accounts for 40-60 % of new diagnoses.

The most common form of kidney cancer is renal cell carcinoma, also known as RCC. It accounts for 66-75% of all cases. In most cases the cancer is found in only one kidney; though in some rare forms it can be in both. Kidney cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, bone, lungs and pelvic region. If cancer has spread to the brain some neurological symptoms will be present. RCC is responsible for 25-30,000 new cases each year.

Symptoms of kidney cancers are sometimes ignored because they are generalized. Though kidney cancer is on the rise, many people are not diagnosed until the cancer is advanced due to low or no symptoms. Many of the symptoms are those of other less serious diseases and the cancer is not caught at an early stage. Current symptoms are: blood in urine (light to dark in appearance), persistent pain in side or back, noticeable lump in side, tired or fatigue feeling and weight loss.

Many tests can be performed to diagnose kidney cancer. Urine and blood tests are usually performed first, if symptoms or suspicion of kidney cancer are present. Once these tests are performed, physicians may request a CT scan or ultrasound to look further.

There are many rare forms of kidney cancer such as renal sarcoma chromophobe RCC, which is responsible for 5% of RCC cases. This is very rare and has no standard therapy as of yet. Renal oncocytoma which is a large benign tumor which causes damage to other organs and requires surgery with partial or complete kidney removal, though it is not truly cancerous it does cause significant damage and require immediate treatment.

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Papillary RCC is in 15% of kidney cancer cases and though rare, it is increasing in African American patients and can affect both kidneys. Collecting duct carcinoma is in less the 1% of cases. However, it is very aggressive and has metastisized by the time it???s diagnosed; usually requiring chemotherapy. Medullar RCC is also found in less than 1% of cases and most common in African American patients. Some professionals believe that it is connected to the sickle cell trait.

If kidney cancer runs in your family, or you are experiencing the above symptoms, you should talk to your doctor. As with all forms of cancer early detection and education are the best tools to aid in your protection and overall health. For questions you can speak to your physician, or contact the American Cancer Society. The best protection i early detection.

Whether or not you get cancer can vary depending on several things. Your age, family history, environment, lifestyle, eating habits and activity level can all play a part in whether or not you get cancer. Talk to your doctor if you have a family history of kidney cancer or you are a smoker. Smoking increases the chance of getting kidney cancer. Though there are no good screenings for this form of cancer, talking to your doctor about symptoms as soon as they appear will improve your chances of survival. Most patients are diagnosed over the age of 50; however, if you have a family history, testing should be done early.

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