Saturday, November 3, 2012

Do You Have trouble Swallowing Pills? : Ideas For Women Health ...

Many women avoid taking medications including vitamins because they have difficulty swallowing pills. Do you have the same problem?

There are many alternatives to swallowing big pills if you have difficulty. The most important thing to do is to ask your doctor if there is a physical reason you have trouble swallowing. An enlarged thyroid gland, swollen tonsils, tumors, and enlarged lymph glands can make it difficult to swallow medications. If it is a change in how you normally feel and if it affects the way you eat and drink you need to get this checked out.

If though, you normally have had problems swallowing pills, there are solutions. Vitamins now come in the form of gummy candy shaped pills that can be easily chewed. Some vitamins may also be in a liquid form.

Antibiotics may also come in a liquid form. Check with your physician if you need a medication ordered in a different form for easy swallowing. Check with the pharmacy too before crushing or changing the form of the current medications you take because in some cases crushing a pill changes the way it is absorbed. Your doctor is your best source of information in regards to what is the best form of a medication and what changes can be made at home to get that pill down.

Another way to take a pill that cannot be crushed and doesn?t come in any other form is to hide it in a spoonful of pudding or applesauce. This works with any age adult and makes swallowing the pill much easier when it is taken as a bite of food. Mind over matter plus the soft spoonful of good tasting food makes it easier to forget that you are also swallowing medication. Avoid taking to many pills at one time this way to decrease the chance of choking.

Finding a way to take a needed medication can be a challenge but it is worth the?effort to get the medication you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


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